Little Listeners


A cloud of adversity loomed large over the dwarfs of Doon. There was a magic tree right in the middle of the city which usually bore sweet fruits. All the dwarfs in Doon ate this fruit. In this way, the dwarfs ingested the magic of the tree. But now the tree was wilting. At least once in a hundred years, magic water needed to be poured at the roots of that tree. Once in a hundred years, some courageous soldier would brave many dangers, cross the faraway land of evil forces in the South and bring that water. But this time, not one courageous soldier had volunteered.

engaging children's audiobook by Darshan Desale with imaginative storytelling.
engaging children's audiobook by Darshan Desale with imaginative storytelling.
Darshan Desale audiobook for kids, children audiobook by Darshan Desale
Darshan Desale audiobook for kids, children audiobook by Darshan Desale

A cloud of adversity loomed large over the dwarfs of Doon. There was a magic tree right in the middle of the city which usually bore sweet fruits. All the dwarfs in Doon ate this fruit. In this way, the dwarfs ingested the magic of the tree. But now the tree was wilting. At least once in a hundred years, magic water needed to be poured at the roots of that tree. Once in a hundred years, some courageous soldier would brave many dangers, cross the faraway land of evil forces in the South and bring that water. But this time, not one courageous soldier had volunteered.


Sara and Maddy set out on a quest to find Santa.

Darshan Desale children Audiobook
Darshan Desale children Audiobook


What Listeners Are Saying


My kid loved it, (The Magic Water)

- Arha, Storytel

This is very very heartwarming story 🤗🤗
(The Magic Water)

- Sharanya, Storytel


It's a very good story 😃. It's very thrilling and inspiring please keep making stories like this 👍☺️
(Santa cha Shodh)

- Priyanka, Storytel

Very nice and beautiful ❤️
(Santa cha Shodh)

- Darshana, Storytel